NGOs: colonizing the resistance
Links in the Chain: Fighting Repression in Anglo/NATO Territories
We Are Our Own Liberators: Selected Prison Writings by Jalil A. Muntaqim, reviewed by Leslie James Pickering (2011)
CrimethInc. Beyond the Aura
The Occupy movement in northern Abya Yala
Michael Kimble, “A Look at the Free Alabama Movement” (January 2017)
Understanding the failures of “Palestine solidarity”
Taking on the Tugas: African Struggle Against Portuguese Colonialism
Klee Benally, “Land Back or Cash Back?” (2023)
Syria: Islam, Solidarity, & the Europhone Left (2016)
Holiday Seasoning
Scenes from the Appelist Forest
“Hind’s house is Wateen’s house is Ahmed’s house is Mahmoud’s house…part 2” (May 2024)
“Aberrations in Black — A Review” (December 2015)
The Black Lives Matter counterinsurgency
Social Media Harm Reduction
“Zionist Philosemitism Has Got to Go” (March 2024)
“Open Letter to Weatherman Underground from Panther 21” (1971)
Anarchism & Anarchists in the Sudanese Context
“some notes to save you some time in the fight against white supremacy & antiblackness” (June 2015)
Critique & conflict within Palestinian anti-colonialism
The Wikipedians and their Discontents
Contextualizing Freedom Struggles in Kurdistan
Some Online Archives, Libraries, & Directories
“Dixie Be Damned: interview with authors Saralee Stafford and Neal Shirley” (2015)
Critical Perspectives on Police & Prison Abolitionism
Revolutionary struggle & counterinsurgency in 21st century Egypt
Not a Catalog
“What is Peace Policing?” (December 2023)
“What the Fuck Does Reconstruction Even Mean to Y'all? A Critique of W.E.B. DuBois Movement School & the Black Left in Philadelphia” (2024)
Sweet Potato, “Beyond Plant Nativism: Toward an earthbound ethics of plant migration” (2024)
Active Crowdfunding Campaigns to Support (updated January 2025)
Subcultures & Political Containment in European Colonising States
Don Hamerquist, “Thoughts on Naomi Klein” (April 2008)
Progressive/Radical Intracommunal Criticism
On the politics of PEN America
Sources for Abolition Media, July 2024
Some Arguments Against Electoral Politics