
Subcultures & Political Containment in European Colonising States

Some of the texts linked below are focused on how much of the radical/revolutionary left consists of a small group of people with similar backgrounds. Other linked texts might not focus on this situation, but contain reflections or suggestions useful for those of us who consider it a problem.

Peter Gelderloos, A Critical History of Harrisonburg Food Not Bombs1, 2006.

eleven o clock alchemy, Why I Broke Up with the Anarchist Community. November 2009

Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, The Progressive Plantation: Racism Inside White Radical Social Change Groups.

Jeff Shantz, Beyond May Day: From ritual to resistance. May 2012

Chasing after Ghosts: a Critique of anarchist organizing, and its worst contradictions, in the [North] American context. 2012 (print PDF, u.s. letter)

Will, The Left’s Minstrel Show and How College Educated Revolutionaries of all Colors Keep the Working Class Shucking and Jiving. 2013

Chekov Feeney, The limits of counter-culture. 2013

Kevin Keating, The anarchist subculture and the leftist protest ghetto: a review of 'Fireworks,' Issue 3. 2014

Doug Gilbert, The Rise of Oakland’s Riot Culture. February 2015

D Hunter, Power and Community: Mistakes in organising.

Bay Area Intifada, The Challenge of Autonomy: Prospects for Freedom Going Into 2021. January 2021

Black Anarchist Reflections, From Bash Back! and Beyond. September 2023 (print PDF, u.s. letter; screen reading PDF)

Stoking the Embers Collective, Breaking out of subcultures: the need for organisation and strategy. 2024

Some Questions To Be Addressed Before Milwaukee and the Bay. September 2024

Less Radical Than You Think. January 2025.