
Not a Catalog

These zines were given out mostly during a trip across the mainland of the "united states". Links to online reading versions, audio versions, & translations have been added.

10 Anarchist Theses on Palestine Solidarity in the United States

Against the Party of Insurrection: A Look at Appelism in the U.S.

Anarchy Can't Fight Alone

Anarchy Live! The Writings of Anarchist Prisoner Michael Kimble

Another Word for Settle: A Response to Rattachements and Inhabit

Black Armed Joy: Some Notes Towards a Black Theory of Insurrectionary Anarchy, and two responses

Building a Midwest Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement

Campaign Against Prison Censorship and Book Banning

The Case Against Coddling Anti-Maskers

Don’t Film, Act: A Call for Confrontation

Doxcare: Prevention and Aftercare for Those Targeted by Doxxing and Political Harassment

The Dragon and the Hydra: A Historical Study of Organizational Methods

Drawing Connections from the Palestinian Liberation Struggle to ameriKKKan Prisons

Dreams of Black Revolt : A reflection on the 2 year anniversary of the George Floyd Rebellion and its meaning from a Black Anarchist

Fire on Main Street: Small Cities in the George Floyd Uprising

How to Get Ready for a Demonstration: Tips and Tricks to Stay Safe and Dangerous in the Streets

An Imagined Dialogue with a Defender of Taking Photos of People

In-depth interviews with 3 members of FAUDA, the anarchist movement in Palestine

Jewish Voice for Peace – A Sinister Extension of the Zionist Occupation Regime

Kazi Toure of Boston Jericho on Prisoner Support

No Forest No Peace – Escalations in the Fight Against Cop City

No More Colonial States

Not Worker, But Chattel

An Open Letter to our Anarchist, Socialist and Radical Leftist Comrades

Palestine Will Be Free! a list of recent direct actions in the belly of the beast, updated 12/20/23

Peace Police are Police: How Protest Marshals Sabotage Liberation and Protect the State

Queer Voices from the Fight for Palestinian Liberation

Radical Resistance for Prison Abolition

Refocusing on the PLAGUE within Political Relationships

Salish Sea Intifada – Notes On Expanding the Struggle for the Liberation of the Palestinian People

Snitches & Sleuths: An Update From Puget Sound Prisoner Support

Trial statement of New Afrikan Revolutionary Kuwasi Balagoon at the opening of the Brinks trial

Voting is Not Harm Reduction – An Indigenous Perspective

What Greece means (to me) for Anarchism

What Happened to the Zimbabwe Revolution

Who Fears the New Afrikan Queers?

Why Misogynists Make Great Informants: How Gender Violence on the Left Enables State Violence in Radical Movements

Youth Liberation: Burn the Schools and Destroy the Media!

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