Andrew Lee & Andrew Zonneveld with Firestorm Books, The Case for Not Voting (Invidious link).
September 2024
Against Electoralism: Firestorm Books launch event for Why Anarchists Don't Vote: Radical Criticisms of Representative Government (Invidious link).
August 2022
ronin.youngblood, Leftist Electoralism and Voting in the Left (Invidious link).
November 2020
Attacks, Reportbacks, Interventions
Election Office Vandalism – Portland, OR.
January 2025.
PORTO ALEGRE, BRASIL: NUESTRA RESPUESTA, LA ACCIÓN DIRECTA! (English, Português translations at same link).
October 2022.
Seminole County Republican and Democrat Offices Painted.
Échauffements (English, Warming up [second text]).
April 2017
Sydney: Anti-electoral campaign (Castellano, Sydney amanece llena de pintas y propaganda anti-electoral ante las votaciones).
Don't Vote, Organize Event: featuring Black Panther Kiilu Nyasha. Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM). (Tor/Onion link)
October 2004
In the forthcoming elections.... Vote For Nobody / Don't Vote (Tor/Onion link).
Essays & Polemics
Andrew Lee, Why to not vote.
August 2024
Λάρι, Αντι-εκλογικός λόγος μετά τις εκλογές (English, Anti-election text from Larry, a year after his death).
September/October 2023
Militante de CNT AIT Camargo, ¡Abstención activa!
May 2023.
Tommy Lawson, Why do anarchists abstain from elections? (Tor/Onion link)
Maddison Garland-Tirado, The Pitfall of so-called Progressives.
December 2021
Anárquicxs no pacificadxs del sur de Abya Yala ($hile), Chile: El triunfo de la democracia y lxs falsos críticxs (English, Chile: The Triumph of Democracy and its False Critics).
Octubre 2020
Vipera of the Moscow Anarchists, The Illusion of Choice in the Land of the Oligarch.
October 2020
The Liverpool Anarchists, Direct Action Not Voting Gets The Goods.
October 2020
Indigenous Action, Voting is Not Harm Reduction – An Indigenous Perspective. (Tor/Onion link). (Castellano, Votar no es reducir el daño: Una perspectiva indígena; Deutsch, Wählen ist keine Schadensbegrenzung: Eine Indigene Perspektive).
February 2020
Andrea Landry, Why I don’t vote in colonial politics.
October 2019
Frank Ascaso, Enrique Guerrero-López, Adam Weaver, & Patrick Berkman, The Lure of Elections: From Political Power to Popular Power.
March 2018
October 2016 (also October 2012)
Frank B. Wilderson III, Why I Don’t Vote.
October 2016
Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin, Vote For Me And I'll Set You Free! (Tor/Onion link)
May 2013
Djamel Zenati, Elections législatives et dictature consultative.
April 2012
Colin Ward, The case against voting.
Alfredo M. Bonanno, Astensionismo. (English, Abstention1; Tor/Onion link).
Marie Louise Berneri, What Are We Voting For?
Errico Malatesta, "Anarchici" elezionisti. (Castellano, Anarquistas "Eleccionistas"; Français, Anarchistes électoralistes.)
May 1924
Other compilations
Why You Shouldn’t Vote: Some Anarchist Positions Against Voting (Unredacted version1). (Castellano, Por qué no debes votar – Algunas posturas anarquistas contra el voto)
December 2023